For incredible protection and comfort during your most challenging days. Protect the jewel you care about most with Reign Premium Sanitary Napkins by Jewel.
Reign sanitary napkins offer a super heavy flow model designed ultra thin, super absorbent, extra long with wings. Combined with a 3 dimensional layer with leak guard sides for extra protection. The Reign innovative design offers "Nobel Prize Winning material Graphene”. The graphene strip may provide health benefits to potentially help with circulatory health, cell activity, and metabolic health. In addition, it may help inhibit harmful bacteria growth. We recommend purchasing our models based on your feminine flow type, to meet its match.
The Reign Innovative design offers a ‘Nobel Prize Winning Graphene" strip material. The graphene strip may provide health benefits to potentially help with circulatory health, cell activity, and metabolic health. In addition, this may help inhibit harmful bacteria growth. We recommend purchasing our models based on your feminine flow type, to meet its match. Reign has five variations to meet your flow: Ultra Thin Panty Liner for everyday use, Very Light Panty Liner with wings and light absorbency, Moderate, Heavy, and Super Heavy Overnight Flow.
*7 per pack
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Artikelnummer: J-RPSN-SHO7
Preisab 6,50$
exkl. MwSt.
Einmaliger Kauf
Protect Your Jewel
Reign & Save
6,50$monatlich bis zur Kündigung
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